सूचना कलेज वार्षिकोत्सव कार्यक्रम ०८१.०६.०८ 2nd Admission List for CM Sept 2024 Session Notice for Rechecking & Retotaling (Spring 2024 Final Year) Admission Notice for nec BDH nET2024 Admission Notice of M.Sc. Construction Management for Sept. 2024 Session Notice for CIVIL 021 BATCH Student - Survey Camp शैक्षिक सत्र Fall 024 प्रारम्भसम्बन्धी सूचना Quotation Notice for Stationery goods Admission Notice of M.Sc. Construction Management for Sept. 2024 Session पहिलो समेष्टरलाई चाहिने पाठ्यक्रम सम्बन्धी सामाग्री/किताबहरु यस कलेजको लाइब्रेरीबाट प्रदान गरिने सूचना| Admission Notice nec entrance Test(nET-2024) बस रुट सम्बन्धी सूचना (०८१.०४.२० देखि) Quotation Notice of nec Prospectus 2024 Quotation Notice of Canteen A (Near Girls Hostel) Final Elective Exam NOTICE Spring 2024 nec-Changu Exam Form Spring Semester 2024 Notice of Sports Carnival 2081 Postpond Notice for Assessment Exam Spring 2024 nec-Changu Exam Form Spring Semester 2024 Topper Scholarship name list Spring 2022 Notice for Assessment Exam Spring 2024 Re-Quotation of Physics Lab Equipment and form Re-Quotation of Air Condition (AC) Notice of Plagiarism Software Seal Quotation Notice of Air Condition (AC) Quotation Notice of Multimedia (2nd time)