Holiday Notice Constitution Day 081 Notice for Rechecking & Retotaling (Spring 2024 Final Year) Admission Notice for nec BDH nET2024 Admission Notice of M.Sc. Construction Management for Sept. 2024 Session भावपूर्ण श्रद्धाञ्जली माता सानुभाइ थापा मगर Notice for CIVIL 021 BATCH Student - Survey Camp शैक्षिक सत्र Fall 024 प्रारम्भसम्बन्धी सूचना Quotation Notice for Stationery goods Admission Notice of M.Sc. Construction Management for Sept. 2024 Session पहिलो समेष्टरलाई चाहिने पाठ्यक्रम सम्बन्धी सामाग्री/किताबहरु यस कलेजको लाइब्रेरीबाट प्रदान गरिने सूचना| Admission Notice nec entrance Test(nET-2024) बस रुट सम्बन्धी सूचना (०८१.०४.२० देखि) Quotation Notice of nec Prospectus 2024 Quotation Notice of Canteen A (Near Girls Hostel) Final Elective Exam NOTICE Spring 2024 nec-Changu Exam Form Spring Semester 2024 Notice of Sports Carnival 2081 Postpond Notice for Assessment Exam Spring 2024 nec-Changu Exam Form Spring Semester 2024 Topper Scholarship name list Spring 2022 Notice for Assessment Exam Spring 2024 Re-Quotation of Physics Lab Equipment and form Re-Quotation of Air Condition (AC) Notice of Plagiarism Software Seal Quotation Notice of Air Condition (AC) Quotation Notice of Multimedia (2nd time)

Dr. Rakesh Dumaru

Dr. Rakesh Dumaru
Associate Professor
Department of Civil & Rural Engineering
Nepal Engineering College


Ph.D Civil Engineering

M.E. Structural Engineering
Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 2016

B.E. Civil Engineering
Tribhuvan, Nepal, 2011

Research Interest