सूचना विजया दशमी, तिहार, नेपाल सम्वत, छठ विदा बस रूट सम्बन्धी 3rd Admission List for Sept. 2024 Session CM 2nd Admission List for CM Sept 2024 Session Notice for Rechecking & Retotaling (Spring 2024 Final Year) Admission Notice for nec BDH nET2024 Admission Notice of M.Sc. Construction Management for Sept. 2024 Session Notice for CIVIL 021 BATCH Student - Survey Camp शैक्षिक सत्र Fall 024 प्रारम्भसम्बन्धी सूचना Quotation Notice for Stationery goods Admission Notice of M.Sc. Construction Management for Sept. 2024 Session पहिलो समेष्टरलाई चाहिने पाठ्यक्रम सम्बन्धी सामाग्री/किताबहरु यस कलेजको लाइब्रेरीबाट प्रदान गरिने सूचना| Admission Notice nec entrance Test(nET-2024) बस रुट सम्बन्धी सूचना (०८१.०४.२० देखि) Quotation Notice of nec Prospectus 2024 Quotation Notice of Canteen A (Near Girls Hostel) Final Elective Exam NOTICE Spring 2024 nec-Changu Exam Form Spring Semester 2024 Notice of Sports Carnival 2081 Postpond Notice for Assessment Exam Spring 2024 nec-Changu Exam Form Spring Semester 2024 Topper Scholarship name list Spring 2022 Notice for Assessment Exam Spring 2024 Re-Quotation of Physics Lab Equipment and form Re-Quotation of Air Condition (AC) Notice of Plagiarism Software Seal Quotation Notice of Air Condition (AC) Quotation Notice of Multimedia (2nd time)



The Center for Postgraduate Studies (nec-CPS), located at Prayag Pokhari, Lagankhel, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, offers a range of postgraduate programs in engineering and related sciences. These programs were established in 1999 to cater to the growing demand for specialized professionals and the academic aspirations of prospective students. All the postgraduate courses are conducted at nec-CPS.

M.Sc. in Construction Management: 

The field of construction plays a vital role in ongoing development efforts. As construction activities continue to grow rapidly and construction technology evolves, there is a need for highly skilled professionals who can effectively plan, organize, and manage construction projects. The M.Sc. program in Construction Management is designed to prepare such professionals by equipping them with the latest knowledge and skills in the field.

M.Sc. in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management:

 Water resources have significant implications for people's livelihoods and overall well-being, encompassing various social, political, economic, and environmental aspects. Addressing the complex challenges of sustainable water resources management requires interdisciplinary approaches and the involvement of professionals with diverse perspectives. The M.Sc. program in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management, initiated in November 2007, aims to train technical experts who can tackle emerging water resources management issues through interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.

M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management: 

This interdisciplinary program focuses on developing professionals who possess a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of natural resources, their interrelationships, and effective management strategies. It is a highly sought-after course among individuals engaged in rural and urban planning, ecosystem management, watershed management, water resources management, forestry, and waste management.

M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering and Management: 

Developing transportation infrastructure in countries like Nepal faces numerous challenges, including limited resources and the need to account for specific geological and environmental factors. Meeting the diverse transportation requirements of both rural and urban areas necessitates appropriate technologies and qualified personnel. Recognizing the scarcity of skilled professionals in this field, nec has introduced the M.Sc. program in Transportation Engineering and Management, which focuses on transportation planning, infrastructure development, and the promotion of suitable technologies.

M.Sc. in Disaster Risk Management (Proposed):

Nepal is prone to various natural and human-induced disasters that result in significant loss of lives and property. Mitigating the risks associated with such disasters requires proactive disaster management preparedness. Recognizing the significance of education, research, and knowledge dissemination in this area, nec has taken the initiative to propose a Master's program in Disaster Risk Management. Efforts are underway to develop instructional resources to launch this program in the near future.

These postgraduate programs offered at nec-CPS provide specialized education and training in engineering and related fields. By completing these programs, graduates will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to address the specific challenges and demands of their respective industries.