Sabitri Tripathi (Pandey)

Sabitri Tripathi (Pandey)
Department of Science & Humanities
Nepal Engineering College



M.Sc., Organic Chemistry, Tribhuwan University, 1991


Professor Nepal Engineering College (nec), Bhaktapur from August 2015, and has been working in the institution since 1999.

HoD: Science and Humanities Department, nec, 2010 - 2013

Regional Council Member: Global Water Partnership, South Asia, SAS, 2013-2015

Coordinator: Research Project on “Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal “funded by DelPHE (Development Partnership in Higher Education) Program of DfID and British Council, conceived and lead by myself. The partner institutions were Imperial College London (Dr. Michael Templeton) and Preston University Pakistan (Mr. Najib Ahmed), 2007- 2010.

Women Water Academics: Selected as a women water academics from Nepal by South Asian Consortium for WATER Resource studies (SaciWATERs), 2009, India

Lecturer: Tri Chandra College, Kathmandu, 1992-1997 

Publications Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

• Matthews, R.L., Templeton, M.R., Tripathi, S.K., and Bhattarai K. Disinfection of waterborne coliform bacteria by Neem oil, Environmental Engineering Science. 2009

• Shaheed, A. Templeton, M.R., Matthews, R.L., Tripathi, S.K., and Bhattarai K. Disinfection of waterborne coliform bacteria by Luffa cylindrical fruit and seed extracts, Environmental Technology. 2009 

Conference papers

• Tripathi, S.K., Templeton M.R., Shrestha, H.K. and Prajapati, M.B. Selecting appropriate water supply and sanitation solutions for low-income communities in Nepal, International conference on Sustainable Water Resource Management organized by Mehran & Sindh Universities Karachi and Exeter University, UK, Karachi, 2010 

• Luca Di Mario,Templeton, M.R.,Tripathi S.K. Sanitation for low income communities in Nepal: Multi-criteria analysis decision making and case studies, EWB-UK National Research Conference, 2010

 Tripathi, S.K. Domestic rain water harvesting as an appropriate technology of water supply to the hill community: A case study of Bhalakhalak, Bhaktapur, Nepal, regional conference on ‘Save water save life’, organized by Helping Hand, Islamabad, Pakistan,2010

• Tripathi, S.K. Innovative education and curriculum development. Regional conference on WASH, (power point presentation), Kathmandu, Nepal, 2010

Templeton, M.R., Matthews, R.L., Shaheed, A., Tripathi, S.K., and K. Bhattarai. Evaluation of Neem and Luffa cylindrica extracts as potential low-cost natural disinfectants in developing countries. Engineers Without Borders UK National Research Conference, February 2009. 

 Tripathi, S.K., Templeton, M.R., Yiu, W., and N. Tapley. A decision-making tool for water supply improvements in low-income rural and peri-urban communities in Nepal. Engineers Without Borders UK National Research Conference, February 2009. 

 Tripathi, S.K., Templeton, M.R., Yiu, W., and Tapley, N. Case studies of data collection and decisionmaking process for small low-income community water supply in Nepal. 34th WEDC International Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2009. 

 Tripathi, S. K.Water supply and sanitation in a Terai Village: Situation analysis of Sonbarshi Village in Kapilvastu District in Western Nepal. National workshop, Safe Drinking Water Project, DelPHE, 2007  


• Editor of the Regional conference proceedings on Appropriate water supply sanitation and hygiene(WASH) solutions to the informal settlements and marginalized communities in Nepal,2010

• Report on Gender, Water and Equity Training submitted to SaciWATERs, India, 2010

• Editor of the book “Profile of women water professionals in Nepal” 2010 • Editor of Workshop Proceeding of ‘Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply system for slums and squatters in Nepal, 2007

• Research report on Water saving awareness campaign in Hotels of Thamel, a tourist hob of Kathmandu, 2008  

Guest Lecture/Speaker

• Managing safe drinking water and sanitation in disasters and emergencies, Preston University, Pakistan, 2010

• Seminar presentation on the project “Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal", Imperial College London, 2009

• Seminar presentation on the project “Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal", Preston University Pakistan, 2008

Research Grants

• By Imperial College London on nitrate. pollution of ground water due to onsite sanitation2015

• By DfID/British Council for the project on development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal,Sept.2007-Aug.2010

• By SaciWATERs for project on ‘Water saving awareness campaign in hotels of Thamel, Kathmandu’, 2007-08

• By SaciWATERs for the study of data base of ‘Women water professionals in Nepal’, 2009  

Trainings/Workshop Participations/Presentations

• Participated as a theme leader on Health and Sanitation at the Water Initiative South Asia workshop organized by Imperial College London and British Council Nepal at Kathmandu, Nepal, November 2017

• Participated in the Regional Council Meeting and AGM of Global Water Partnership South Asia, Colombo ,2014

• Participated in the Regional Council Meeting of Global Water Partnership South Asia,Bhutan,2013.

• Participated as a resource person in the international conference “Water in action from global to grassroots”, Karachi, Pakistan, 2014

• Country consultation workshop on “Water security and climate resiliency program South Asia” organized by GWP-Nepal and Jalashrot Vikash Sanstha, March7, 2013.

• Presentation on the research outcomes of the project, Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal in the workshop on Water Security in Peri Urban South Asia: Adopting to climate change, organized by SaciWATERs, Nepal Engineering College and IDRC , Canada, August,2010, Kathmandu,

• Resource person and coordinator of a regional training on ‘Gender, water and equity’, organized by Nepal Engineering College, SaciWAters, SOPPECOM, Cap-Net and UN Habitat, Kathmandu, August 6-8, 2010

• Coordinator, Regional conference on “Development of appropriate water supply, sanitation and hygiene(WASH) solutions to the informal settlements and marginalized communities in Nepal”,Kathmandu,2010

• Regional Training on ‘Gender, water and equity’ organized by SaciWATERs, at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India, 2009

• Attended Master's level Lecture classes on ‘Water born diseases in developing countries’ at Imperial College London, 2009

• School lead total sanitation training’ organized by Department of Water Supply and Sewerage and UN Habitat, Kathmandu, 2008

• Seminar presentation on the Project ‘ Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal’ International Training Center, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2008

• ‘South Asia staff training on ‘Participatory field research methodology’ organized by Nepal Engineering College, supported by South Asian consortium for interdisciplinary water resources studies (SaciWATERs), Hyderabad, India, 2008

• Participated in the training on ‘IWRM (Interdisciplinary Water Resource Management) and gender: Harmonizing theory and practice’, organized by Professional Women in Promotional Activities. Nepal, 2008

• Participated in the South Asia staff training program on ‘Water and equity’ organized by SaciWATERs, Pune, India, 2007

Research Projects

• Citizen science for assessing the causes, characteristics and costs of water intermittency in developing countries, a PhD level study by a student from Imperial College London where I am Coordinator at Nepal and Sub investigator 2017

• The required condition and success criteria for container based sanitation viability and potential for implementation in Kathmandu, Nepal, a master’s level thesis of the student from Loughborough University, UK, 2017

• The potential of pyrolysis for the treatment of faecal sludge from onsite sanitation: case study of Kathmandu, Nepal, Master’s level thesis of the student from Imperial College London, 2017

• Nitrate pollution in Groundwater due to onsite sanitation with the collaboration of Dr. Michael Templeton, Imperial College London, 2015 (ongoing)

• Development of appropriate safe drinking water supply and sanitation system for slums and squatters in Nepal with the partnership of Imperial College London and Preston University Pakistan

• Water saving awareness campaign in hotels of Thamel, a tourist hob of Kathmandu, 2007-2008 • Study of Women water professionals in Nepal, 2009  

Courses Teaching (Undergraduate level Engineering Students)

• Environmental Chemistry

• Polymer Chemistry

• Industrial Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry

• Organic /Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

• Laboratory works on water quality analyses and treatments 

Professional Membership

• Life Member- Nepal Chemical Society

• Executive Member, Tocusin Kasain Foundation Nepal

• Executive Member- Jalashrot Vikash Sanstha, 2013-2017,Nepal

• Executive Member-Farmer's Managed Irrigation System, 2013-2017 July, Nepal 

Country Travelled

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom