Asoj 18
Asoj 18, 2080 / Nepal Engineering College

necIngenium 2023

"Transforming Innovative Ideas Into Reality"
Asoj 18
October 05,2023 / Nepal Engineering College

Project Exhibitions &
Competitions 2023

Asoj 18
Asoj 18, 2080 / Nepal Engineering College

necIngenium 2023

"Transforming Innovative Ideas Into Reality"
Asoj 18
October 05,2023

Our Sponsors

About nec Ingenium 2023

Nepal Engineering College (nec), established in 1994 as a not-for-profit social academic institute, is an ISO certified college making quality technical education accessible and affordable to the masses. At present there are 2000+ students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering and architecture. nec is committed to retaining its long earned reputation of “an institution with concerns for quality and academic freedom”.

nec Ingenium 2023 is a dynamic and inspiring showcase of creativity, innovation, and ingenuity. The event aims to present an array of remarkable projects from disciplines of science, engineering and architecture that embody the collective brilliance of talented individuals and visionary groups.

Project Exhibitions and Competitions


Programwise/Batchwise Project Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students of the same batch and same program.

Winner : Rs 4000

Winner : Rs 10,000


Open Project Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students.

Winner: Rs 30,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 5,000

Note: For Runner up Router worth Rs 11,500.


Poster Display Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students.

Winner: Rs 10,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 5,000


Fastest Path Following Robotics Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students.

Winner: Rs 20,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 10,000


Paper Bridge Model Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students.

Winner: Rs 10,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 5,000


Fastest Coding Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students.

Winner: Rs 10,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 5,000


UI/UX Design Competition

Competition among nec undergraduate students.

Winner: Rs 10,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 5,000


Open Science Project Competition

Competition among +2 science students.

Winner: Rs 25,000 | First Runner Up: Rs 5,000

Note: For Runner up Router worth Rs 11,500.